Rio Olympics and City Branding
Are the Olympics worth it?
Everyone is talking about Rio and the Olympics. But is really worth it?
Here it goes again and “untouched”
Global events are great opportunities for countries to change their image.
Well, at least countries seem to view them as great opportunities. The Olympics always creates a lot of controversy and a lot of press. Everyone wants to host them and be part of the games, especially during the medal ceremonies.
Its because countries believe that the Olympics really boosts their image as a nation. They think that being in the world’s spotlight for two weeks is going to have a major impact on their reputation and economy.
But is the Olympics really good for countries? Does it create long term impact?It depends…
For the Olympics to really make an impact, it needs to take place at the right time. You need to show off the changes in your country that the world has never seen before. Moreover, you need to ensure that whatever it is that you want to show off is visible from every angle of the city.
I must add that the Olympics can only make an impact on tourism and nothing else. All efforts will go to an increase in tourism, due to the images shown, not because of the event itself.
The preparations can have an economic impact, as it pertains to infrastructure. Yet the results will all go towards tourism. You need to analyse and see if, as a country, the Olympics are worth it. Do you really need it? Will the altered image increase tourism in the future? Generally, the answer is no.
But what about the next Olympics, in 2016?Brazil will be hosting the 2016 Olympics. Is this a good idea for Brazil? Will it be worth it?
Definitely. It is so important because Brazil is now known for hostility, insecurity, and social imbalances. Tourists are afraid to travel there because of favelas, the notorious Brazilian slums. The Olympics can have a positive impact by setting up solid infrastructure and showing how far Brazil has come. It will benefit Rio and the city really needs it. I think it will be extremely beneficial in the future..
The Brazilian Olympics will help revert world perceptions of Rio’s insecurity
What other countries or cities could benefit from the Olympics? Not Madrid! The city simply doesn’t need it. It already has a strong tourism industry and frankly, it doesn’t need to spend that kind of money right now.
Lima and Bogotá could benefit from the Olympics. Any city or country that has been changing and improving in recent years could benefit as well. They need a platform to show off these changes. Countries are starting to evolve. If a country is ready to be a world player and has somewhat of a bad reputation, they need this kind of event to show they can persevere. Not every city in the developed world needs it because they have it already. So it’s ok.Events can definitely help position a country and improve perceptions. But like I said, most countries don’t really need sports. Unless you want to unveil some great changes that have happened in your country and you’ve really tied the event to your country, don’t even bother. Don’t bother unless you’re really going to really own it. Otherwise, the return is just too little.
And in terms of investing in sports to rack up the medal count? The return is even smaller. Having said that, everyone wants to be on the winning team. It’s only human! I have to admit, I would definitely invest in sports if I were a political leader, even if it isn’t very reliable.
Don’t forget, events like the Olympics and World Cup are only going to help you on the tourism side. Forget about anything else.If you want investments and trade boosts from events, go for “boring”. You need the serious, socially conscious stuff: economics, human rights, and the environment. We all want to know that the country is invested in the future. Maybe it’s not as cool as winning a World Cup, but hey, it’s still a pretty big deal.
My revisions:
Apart from the bad English, I would also reiterate that Rio and Brazil already have a reputation of insecurity, poverty (the famous slums), and other negative aspects.
However, this is the chance for Brazil to tell the world that although those things are true, it is not as bad as everyone thinks and things have changed a LOT over the last 10 years.
So, what tourists will see and the world will read from the media will not deteriorate the perception and reputation of Rio and Brazil. They may confirm certain things, but it will not get worse… Unless “they” make it worse or a catastrophe takes place.
Now, this is the chance for the city of Rio and the country of Brazil to show the world things are different. This happened once a series of policies, actions, and activities took place to push the country and city forward.
I know the reality is not perfect, but it is much better than people think.
Given the recent corruption scandals, impeachment, and the “Country” part, it will be difficult. Let’s see if Rio can make it right and align its perceptions with reality.