Tel Aviv strikes back as the Non-Stop City, with a vibrant start-up scene
According to the index, overall, Tel Aviv is the second-fastest-growing city and one of Asia’s ‘rising stars’. With a 67% growth in tourism, its young-at-heart state of mind has given a strong push for the city’s Digital Demand-D2©.
Tel Aviv can also be considered the LGBT capital of the Middle-East. In Asia, it is the second most searched city for LGBT. This showcases great progression for Tel Aviv as well as Israel as a whole. Remember, Tel Aviv’s nightlife has the fastest growth of the competing cities. This growth exhibits the vibrant, inclusive, and fun city that it is.
Israel’s economic capital is the real innovation hub in the Middle East. In Asia, Tel Aviv holds the 4th position for ‘startups’ and ‘entrepreneurship’. While other big players such as Hong Kong and Dubai reveal weak growth in these areas, Tel Aviv shows off! With that being said, Tel Aviv is still far from catching up to the “big guys” in terms of searches for ‘entrepreneurship’ and not too far ahead of Shanghai.
Nevertheless, the city continues to invite startups to its innovative ecosystem, demonstrating its dynamic nature through the investment dimension.
The Digital City is a City that has triggered proactive interest from Global Citizens (tourists, investors and general citizens) towards that City in the Digital World. This definition was presented by Bloom Consulting in 2015 after determining through its own research and multiple other sources — including Google Intelligence — that when someone searches for information about a City in the context of Tourism, Investment and Talent, one of the primary sources used today is a “search engine”.
This act of “searching” can be triggered by something one may have read in a newspaper, heard in a conversation or simply out of curiosity. “Searches” represent the true level of interest in a City or a Place and therefore demonstrate a City’s genuine appeal. If measured, “searches” can also highlight the interests one may have with regard to any specific Country Region or City.
With this data, Cities can measure if their Actions Activities and Policies are causing any effect on their Brand appeal and on their overall perception. The Digital City Index measures the performance of the #DigitalCity
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